TaniLink: Komunitas Agribisnis

by Kertabhumi



What is Tani Link?TaniLink is a modern agricultural application to answer agricultural information needs for farmers and the wider community. Tani Links mission is to act as a Knowledge Center and Knowledge Sharing on all matters related to agriculture.Features of Farmer LinkNEWS & ARTICLESprovide the latest information related to national commodity prices, policies, markets, weather information and other information regarding the development of basic agricultural commodities.Q&A FORUMGet answers and solutions to all the agricultural problems they have and encounter. This Q&A feature is a space for experts and practitioners who have information & knowledge and are willing to share it, the goal is to build a knowledge center.AGRI PLAZAMarketplace for agricultural products. With this feature, users can market their agricultural products.FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTHelping farmers/users to document, store and view all records of both expenditure and incomeAGRICULTURAL BUSINESS ANALYSISHelping users to find out the costs that exist in agricultural businesses, so that they can measure the level of profit, return on investment, and the break-even point of an agricultural business.AGRI GROUPSocial media that provides space for users to exchange information about agricultural activities in various regions. Tani Link was developed for us to be closer to agriculture. The development of Tani Link technology will continue to be pursued to answer the needs of users in the agricultural sector.